Sunday, December 22, 2013

First day of Chemo Therapy

December 18, 2013
After a long sleepless night of tossing and turning on the small couch me and Angie had to share, the time finally came to start chemo, well we thought it did anyways.  The Nurse Practitioner came in to talk to us as we were getting up for the day and she told us of some concerns with Jaycee's port.  We were concerned and frustrated because they told us that we were not able to start chemo until they talk to some cardiologist about it.  I guess when they placed her port it went in farther that normal.  The end of it had reached and actually went into the right atrium of the heart.  This is not common and it is unusual that it would be placed that far in.  They were concerned with this because it could potentially cause a arrhythmia with the heart and could be dangerous for little Jaycee.  This is the last thing I wanted to hear!  There was no way of fixing it, they would have to go back into surgery pull this one out and put a new one in.   This would be the only way to fix it and I did not want her to have to go through that again.  The oncologist and NP's wanted to do some tests before we started chemo just to confirm that it wasn't going to cause any problems.  They had a 12 lead EKG done and had several cardiologist look it over to see what they thought about leaving it in place.  After several hours of waiting the oncologist told us that it was not a concern and that the port being placed where it was would not cause any problems and that they would keep an eye on it. This was a big relief for us!!

Jaycee getting a 12 Lead EKG done.

Finally ready for chemo after waiting for HOURS!!

The first day of chemo has began!! I felt bad because I knew that it was only a matter of time even hours before our little angel would start feeling sick!  It was a relief to see that medicine go into her body because I know it is what will cure her but it was very scary at the same time!  There is a lot of unknowns with the medications that they use.  Everyone can react a little different.  We were told that usually the first cycle of chemo is the worst and I hope that is true.  The drugs that are given on day one of every cycle take about six and a half hours to infuse.  She was a champ through it all and she actually had very little side effects from it throughout the first day.  Day 1 down!!!  We are on the road to kick this cancers butt!!

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