Saturday, December 14, 2013

Birth Story

While I was pregnant with Jaycee I started having braxton hicks contractions pretty regular since I was 20 weeks.  I had a feeling she was probably going to come early. So on august 25 I went up to a family party at a cousins house in West Jordan with Great Grandma, Ann and Lynette.  The whole time I was there I was just uncomfortable and having pretty strong contractions that were consistent. As we were getting ready to leave I had a feeling I should at least go get checked at the hospital on our way home. Blake was working so they dropped me off at the fire station and he drove me to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center. After we were all settled in a room the nurse checked me and after an hour I had changed from a 3 to a 4 so they decided to admit me. Labor went really well and Jaycee was born 3 weeks and 1 day early on August 26 weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 inches long.  She was struggling to breath so they rushed her to the NICU.  Jaycee had a hard time keeping her oxygen saturation's were they are suppose to be so they had to keep her on C-PAP and oxygen for a couple days.  On day five she was finally well enough for us to take her home!

And this is where Jaycee's Journey begins.........

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